Thursday, March 26, 2009

Free Tarot Readings (and New Photos)!


Another day, another addition and today's no exception!

The other day my Rome model showcased my most recent set, a mini tophat and a choker to match! Perfect for Gothic Lolita costumes / accessories!

She really got into this photo shoot, I just love the little glasses on her!

I have started a new promotion, get a:

FREE, 10 CARD, TAROT READING WITH ANY PURCHASE OVER $40 ORDERED BETWEEN 3/28/09 AND 4/18/09! Feel free to visit my tarot page for more information.

In other news, some of my work will be with my friend Marc, from Hickory Arms, at Smith College's Con this weekend, hope he sees some of you there!

So, that's it for this post, thanks for stopping by!

Shannon aka Gypsy~Rose

Friday, March 13, 2009

Steampunk and Gothic Lolita Fashions Plus More Costume Hooves!

Hello all!

I have been a busy little bee, making my new lines and keeping up with the already popular ones too. :) I got a chance to photograph my Rome model the other day, modeling these goodies for you to peruse!

First Up is a better photo of my Merino horns, these are going to be added to the site when I get a chance but, for now, they are listed here on on my DeviantArt area. These are a prelude to a larger ram style, once I get a chance to make them. Hopefully this won't be too far off, knock on wood.

Next Up is my "Fascinator" style hat/hairclip! This is my first of a line of barrettes / hair clips / fascinators that I am beginning to make.

I made this one in spring colors in the hopes that if I surround myself with warm colors and objects that they might effect the colors and feel outside! :)

This is my lovely Rome model, showcasing this handcrafted gem!

I hand crocheted the bloom, myself, and also hand dyed it. I then added a flair of contrasting sheer green ruffling and sewed the whole thing, by hand, onto a small barrette.

This will be located on my Etsy site soon, I will try to post a direct link, here, once it's up.

Next Up is my newest (Elegant) Gothic Lolita Mini Top hat. I have a photo of this hat on myself, so you can see the gauge on an adult, in my DeviantArt area.

I hand sewed everything and even crocheted the trim and hand dyed it myself. It is accented with Vintage tube beads, a small flower on the back and tulle bow and veil.

Thanks for looking! This one isn't on Etsy yet but will be soon, unless it sells before then.

Up Next we have one of My "Oh My Uni" horns on a horse. This is one of my most recent non-human customers.

His name is Payaso and he is an Andalusion horse and *dances*, literally! Check out my customer's website for details.

Thanks to Payaso's friend / farm owner, Diana, for sharing this pic. that she took of her unicorn for me! This unicorn horn style is available in my horn's area.

And last, but definitely NOT least, I have a finished beta hoof with custom cover. Perfect for satyr costumes, succubus costumes, draenei costumes and more! These hooves are the only kind available on the open market! They took me a long time to design and, once I make an adult size and verify it's strength and comfort, I will be making them by custom order.

This is my new cover for the hoof beta test that I made. It took a while but now I have a good pattern to go by. ;)

I, personally, like a sleeker look over the faux-fur-cover option and, for folks cosplaying satyrs, unicorns, draenei, succubi etc. this would be more appropriate in the look.

So, here 'tis. I am fine tuning my design before I make the larger version but I am have been clearing some time out of my schedule to do so and will keep you all posted. Thanks for your comments!

Please see the other photos of the hooves that I posted recently for more details on them and contact me if you want to order a pair.

As for the Steampunk, I do not have anything *quite* yet ready for photos but I will post as soon as I get some. I am very excited about these new lines and can't wait to get more made!

Thanks for stopping by, please feel free to leave a comment and don't forget to go to my main website to see other additions!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Etsy Shoppe... Love It!

Hi again all!

Just a note to let you know that I have the Etsy site packed with in-stock goodness, from gothic lolita hats to costume horns, theatrical masks to talismans and everything in between!

Please stop in and take a peek!
Shannon aka Gypsy~Rose

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lots of new stuff, from HOOVES to HORNS to HATS!

I have been a busy beaver as of late, trying to re-make some past designs and make, anew, some things I have wanted to make for a while!

I'll go in order, to keep it simple.

First off, I finally got a chance to make a Gothic Lolita / Victorian style Top Hat! I made mine in lavender tones with some gunmetal gray thrown in for good measure! The base in black felt, (pre-made), with stretch lace bow, lavender tulle and plastic bead "chain", all hand sewn onto the hat by me. I have listed this hat on my new Lolita website!

Onto number 2:

I used to have a slightly spiraled horn design, called "Full Circle". These horns were an automatic hit and folks really like them. I was never happy with their mold, though, it was a real pain to use and, after much use, I finally retired the design. I reworked the design and called it "Be Wary of Aries".

People seem to like the new design but I still get a lot of requests for larger, more spiral, (coming away from the head, not lying flat-ish against it), horns.

I have been holding off, because I knew that making a spiral mold would test my mold-making abilities and, between you and I, I am not a huge fan of mold making... until it's time to break it apart and see how things went! :)

The chance finally came for me to make a new ram horn design, which I call "Merino". These horns are a prelude to a larger rams horn costume design... to be announced when they're done. ;) I hope you like them, please contact me about ordering a pair!

OK, time for 3 and my most exciting news!

I have finally had the time to figure out a good hoof design and create a study! These will be wearable with or without the fur, (the fur will probably be re-done, this was just a quick covering), or with a custom "sleeve" for non-fur costumes etc..!

These will be great for unicorn hooves, succubus / succubi hooves, draenei hooves and more! I hope you like them! Please contact me about ordering a pair, these were just the study for them.

So, that's my news for now! I am still prepping for the 5th annual NH Renaissance Faire, 2009, which is now in May!

I am also prepping for PortCon Maine 2009 and looking forward to it immensely! It's a great little con with wonderful folks involved!

Thanks for reading, please feel free to check out my Artfire shoppe, website and/or DeviantArt area, where I post custom work and new updates etc..

Shannon aka Gypsy~Rose